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Bank account 2010/6/16 17:30
I was wondering if it would be necessary to open a bank account in Japan if I were to stay there for two months.

Also, would I need a visa in order to enroll in a Japanese language school for about two months?

by Anna (guest)  

... 2010/6/16 19:36
- You don't *have* to, I'd say, if you don't mind bringing some cash for your living expenses and bring a bank card for additional cash (that you can access the cash you have in your bank account through some of the ATM in Japan), though it would apparently depend on how you arrange to pay tuition, etc.

- I don't know which country you are coming from, but if you are of a nationality where there is visa waiver program for Temporary Visitor status up to 90 days (such as USA), then, no, you don't need one.
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2010/6/17 06:35
You cannot open a bank account as a temporary visitor in Japan.

For 2 months or less no you don't need a visa if you come from a Visa Waiver Country (eg the US, UK, Canada etc etc).

by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

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