
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Working in Japan 2010/6/17 12:41
I'm 20 and will be a junior in the fall. I have been to Japan several times, and aspire to work in Japan sometime in the future, after I graduate from college. From what I have read and understand about Japanese culture, Japanese rarely, if ever, leave one company to join another.

My problem is that I have worked for several companies in several different capacities. Will this be a problem if I am otherwise qualified for a position? Will this be looked upon negatively by a Japanese firm?
by TH (guest)  

times are changing 2010/6/17 15:37
The job market in Japan is less static than most believe and the so-called "lifetime employment" system is (has) broken. Japanese jump companies quite often.

But no matter where you go, any company frowns on job hopping without a rational explanation. If that worries you, just make sure the role you're applying to is a relevant fit with your experience in past jobs and be prepared to explain why those experiences and skills obtained from them, will help you add value and grow as a professional.

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