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Can I go to Japan? 2010/6/20 13:19
I am 17 and I live in California and I want to go to Japan and live there for 2 years after I graduate from High School. I have been learning the Japanese language for almost a year and I'm gonna learn for another year because I need one more year till I graduate which I'm gonna be a senior this fall. And I'm wondering if it's better for me to go to College first and then move to japan? I want to be a manga artist or a cop. Can u be a cop in japan?

Thank You
by Maricel (guest)  

Moving to Japan? 2010/6/21 08:59

Can u be a cop in japan?

Not unless you are a Japanese national.

I would recommend that you go to university first and get a degree.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

manga artist or cop 2010/6/21 12:07
Two quite different dreams!
If you really want to go to Japan, go to college and aim for Japanese as a major or minor, join in on an exchange program to Japan like Monbusho, preferably in Tokyo.

Becoming a Manga-ka: Good luck, make sure you have something unique to bring to the Japanese audience other than images. Of course, being a comic artist in Japan means negotiating and dealing with Japanese editors and other corporates regarding a lot of issues (deadlines, story elements, style, etc.). I think pre-established reputation is key here so you may want to publish your stories in a blog (sooner than later) or submit to a (Japanese) dojinshi or fan-made manga community to get used to feedback from the public and make some friends in the industry.

Becoming a Japanese cop: as stated in the above post, no luck there. You must be a Japanese national, no exceptions. I actually asked my friends in a couple precincts about the possibility but was told, the closest I can ever get to entering the criminal justice system in Japan is: get booked, or become a freelance criminal translator/interpreter (the latter of which I succeeded).
by jmarkley rate this post as useful

Thank You 2010/6/21 13:09
Thank u guys for the feedback I really really appreciate it ,u guys helped me a lot with my decision and I'll be more than glad to receive more posts
by Maricel (guest) rate this post as useful

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