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Host familes? how to find one? 2010/6/27 20:56
Are there host families in Japan looking to sponsor foreign travelers? If so where would one find one? Personally, I am looking for a job teaching English in Japan and was wondering if there were people in Japan looking for people like me. Thank you.
by JaredG  

... 2010/6/28 10:55
If you plan to come to Japan to work, not as part of high school/college exchange program, you are expected to find and pay for your accommodation - there are guesthouses and furnished apartments available for visitors.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/6/28 11:52
Just google host families japan.

And you could find peeps on couchsurfing.org as well.
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

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