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School can kick you out of Japan? 2010/6/27 21:07
I'm planning to go to Tokyo for a 3 month long language course. I'll be going on a visitor's visa (I'm Canadian) which means 90 days, but apparently the school has the right to kick me out of Japan if I don't perform to a certain standard? I don't know if this only applies to student visa holders or also to 90-day visitors like myself?

Exact extract:

''Unlawfulness, etc.: A student who does not conform to the laws or fails to pay tuition fees by deadline will be ordered to leave Japan by the Headmaster. Those who are frequently absent from school, have no chance to complete the curriculum because of poor achievement, or disobey the Headmasterfs instructions will also be ordered to leave Japan.''

by soaringshrimp  

... 2010/6/28 10:34
The way they worded that paragraph is not quite right :) what they mean is that if you have poor attendance or extremely poor grades (no intention to study), then they will ask you to leave the school, which in the case of those on school-sponsored pre-college visa means they will no longer sponsor you for the visa so you would have to leave Japan in a while.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

school 2010/6/28 10:37
The school is incorrect, they can't order you to leave Japan. However what they can do is expel you and report to immigration that you are no longer a student with them. Technically this could void a student visa, however in reality you would have little trouble staying in Japan assuming you are looking to legitimize your visa by either finding a new school or switching to a different visa (tourist, work, etc.). This doesn't apply to tourist visas btw, since you don't need the school to be your sponsor for those.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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