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Where can I buy grid foil? 2010/6/29 08:02
I'm looking for that sort of foil manga are made with, with grids or tiny motics on it (in german it's called "Rasterfolie").

Does anyone have an idea where to get it around Shibuya and what is the average price?
And tips are welcome!

by wutzelmutz (guest)  

looks like someone wants to draw manga? 2010/6/29 12:21
Hey, do you mean "Screen Tone"? The plastic sheets that are adhesive and have dots, stripes, and lots of patterns printed on them?

You can find those in almost any stationary store in Japan and often are sold in sets with different shades and patterns.

You'll just need to ask for
"sukuriin toon" スクリーントーン and the shop keeper should know exactly what you mean. If you can't find a stationary shop, Shibuya's LOFT has a huge stationary section you can browse through.
Hope this helps.
by jmarkley rate this post as useful

sorry, forgot to put price! 2010/6/29 12:26
It's not expensive and is sold per sheet, or in bundles.

I find it cheaper to buy each sheet because the variety bundles they sell here have tones that I will never use and makes my drawings look like crap...
This site has some prices, most at 399yen (I guess it is per sheet)or you can order in bulk for quantities 5000yen and over. I think you can find better prices...
by jmarkley rate this post as useful

biggest store 2010/6/29 15:21
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

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