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Silica Gel
2010/7/4 02:21
Need some help. Can anyone tell me where I can buy silica gel? It is getting quite humid here in Tokyo and I need these silica gels to keep my camera lenses dry to prevent fungus from growing in them.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
by giggs (guest)
silica gel
2010/7/4 12:40
You can buy it at any well stocked camera store. Yodobashi Camera and Bic Camera usually carry it, and other electronics stores with a good selection of dslrs will probably have it too.
It may be cheaper to buy 'dry pet' instead. They're a little bigger as they're meant for reducing the humidity in closets and drawers, and can be bought in 3 packs at drug stores and supermarkets.
by yllwsmrf
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