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Is AFS good? 2010/7/6 14:08
I've been looking into this organization, and I really think I'm gonna apply for it as a foreign exchange student and try to get a scholarship to go to Japan. Has anyone else used this organization and is it a good one to use?
by Renea Chan  

Mmm.... kinda 2010/7/7 01:58
I never used this organization but my cousin sent his daughter to Japan last year via AFS.
She was in Honshu island, had some issues with the first host family, moved with a new one, and in the end she spent a wonderful year there.

On the other hand, my cousin hosted a Japanese teenager this year. the AFS office in my country inscribed this kid in a very "low reputation school" and the behavior of this japanese was getting worse, because of the school environment.

So, for what I have heard, the AFS office in Japan works great, it also depends on the family that will host you.
by Lord Magus rate this post as useful

I see! 2010/7/7 05:59
Thanks! I wanted to get another opinion, and from what you told me then this organization should be fine to use!

If anyone has any other opinion please let me know!
by Renea Chan rate this post as useful

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