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Want to learn Japanese at home. 2010/7/13 22:52
I want to learn Japanese. But don't want to go to school. Is there any online lesson or offline lesson recommended?
by BeanMo  

Japanese At Home 2010/7/14 17:33

Those are the only two I know off the top of my head, there's probably plenty more though.
by Triptix rate this post as useful

... 2010/8/5 10:00
If you're looking for a print textbook to supplement that, I would recommend the old standby Japanese for Everyone by Susumu Nagara. The biggest drawback is that its audio component is sold separately (but, then, you have several strong audio resources on the internet already). It's quite excellent and efficient in teaching grammar, though.

I'm afraid I have no experience with the Genki series, the most popular classroom textbooks nowadays, though it does get good reviews. I would stay away from the Nakama series, though, as a great many of its exercises are geared expressly toward a classroom setting. It also introduces material in a counterintuitive order, delaying certain fundamentals for an excessively long time.
by Blenheim (guest) rate this post as useful

re: 2010/8/7 04:25

by AssassinWarrior rate this post as useful

re. 2010/8/7 11:04
there are other ones like but the draw back of this site is that, its a 7 day trial site but within that 7 day trial, you can have access to everything including the 'preimum' stuff.

same as you,i am learning japanese from self-study from the internet out of interest. i just signed up on that site and downloaded all the newbie to amatuar podcasts. total around 2.3 GB.

as for learning hiragana and katakana, use

also, is a very useful site but you need to learn hiragana or katakana first before using it since they only display those and no romanji. good luck.
by AssassinWarrior rate this post as useful

mata re. 2010/8/10 15:07 is also a nice one for beginners.
Denshi Jisho has a "kana as romaji" option, so you can use it even if you don't know japanese letters at all.
by orielu rate this post as useful

lots of useful links 2010/8/13 00:36
by Pierce Carter rate this post as useful

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