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Lead free crock pot 2010/7/18 10:25
Would anyone happen to know where I can get a lead-free crock pot (Osaka)? Thank you!
by MomotaroPeachBoy  

. 2010/7/20 04:33
Hello. I am not native of Osaka, but is crock pot the same as pressure cooker? If yes, you could try rakuten ichiba shopping mall and enter 'pressure cooker' into the search.

Also, certain stew dishes can be made in a rice cooker, if you have one.
by Kazuyuki78 rate this post as useful

crock pot 2010/7/20 10:50
A crock pot (i.e. slow cooker) is different than a pressure cooker. I haven't seen them in retail stores, however I did a search online and both rakuten and amazon.co.jp sell them. Do a search for スロークッカー. Also, any modern crock pot should be lead free.


by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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