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Can i get a working visa? 2010/7/20 03:49
I am married to a American military guy who is stationed in Japan right now. So i don't have a visa but i can live here legally as long as my husband is still here.
right now im looking for a job in a japanese company or foreigner company.
If I get a full time job offered, can i get a working visa ?
by babyshark  

. 2010/7/20 13:10
Assuming you met the same qualifications as everyone else yes, there shouldn't be any reason they shouldn't.

Do you have a University degree. That is "usually" (though not required depending on circumstances) the selling point in issuing work visas.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

SOFA visa 2010/7/20 13:22
You can not get a Working Visa because there are technically no real japanese "Working Visa" there are visas which allow to work and visas which forbid work.
You are eligible for a SOFA visa (Status of Forces Agreement). This visa forbid holders to work out of base. You can do any job on base but you are not allowed to work out of base.
by Kuppa (guest) rate this post as useful

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