
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Traveling back to America 2010/7/25 15:36
I have worked in Tokyo as a CTO of a game company for 2 years and now I am taking a short trip back to America for my 10-year high school reunion.

I have heard that people with certain types of visas (including my 3-year engineering visa) are required to get "permission" before leaving Japan with the intention of coming back.
Without this, you may be denied re-entry into Japan.

What are the facts on this and where do I go to get said "permission" if any is required? I have already purchased my non-refundable tickets.

Thank you,
L. Spiro
by Shawn W  

re-entry permit 2010/7/26 09:20
What you need is called a re-entry permit, and can be obtained at your local immigration office. You can print out and fill out the form ahead of time and bring it along with 3000 yen (single reentry) or 6000 yen (multiple reentry) in revenue stamps (available at the post office) to the immigration office to apply. If the offices aren't that busy you can get the permit in the same visit, otherwise you may have to return the following day to pick it up.

You can find the forms here:


and the address of your local immigration office here:

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

one more thing 2010/7/26 09:23
Its not possible to apply by mail, so if you can't make it to apply in person you can have an authorized agent do it for you (lawyer, family member, etc.). Just fill out the necessary section of the application form.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Tickets 2010/7/31 00:35
Thank you.

I heard I may need to bring my tickets.
Is that true?

L. Spiro
by Shawn W rate this post as useful

Re-entry permit 2010/7/31 01:03
L. Spiro wrote:

I heard I may need to bring my tickets.
Is that true?

No, it is not true. All you need is your passport and alien registration card.

There was an article in the Japan Times recently saying that the time-consuming requirement to get a re-entry permit was due to be scrapped in the very near future. Maybe Uji has details.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

revenue stamps 2010/7/31 09:29
In Tokyo the revenue stamps to pay for re-entry permits, visa extensions etc, can be bought from the convenience store on the 1st floor of the Shinagawa Immigration office- no need to go to a post office, just buy them before you submit the application.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

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