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Gay friendly doctor in Tokyo 2010/7/28 12:22
Does anyone know of a good gay friendly ENGLISH SPEAKING doctor in Tokyo? Most English speaking doctors in Tokyo are okay but i would much prefer see a gay or gay friendly doctor.

Please help with any suggestions.
by jacksonjapan  

. 2010/7/28 13:38
Not to get too personal but what type of doctor?

I really don't see why or where it matters especially if you are going in to get a checkup for the flu or allergies (or most other medical conditions). The medical forms usually don't ask sexual orientation.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

.. 2010/7/29 00:58
i think regardless of sexual orientation, a doctor will always tell his patient to practice safe sex. that being said, I don't think it really matters if he is "gay friendly" or not. Doctors have a confidentiality agreement with their patients so i don't really think it matters what someone talks about with their doctor because it will not leave the office. Japan is very strict about privacy laws
by poopoohead rate this post as useful

Privacy, in theory yes.... 2010/7/29 09:26
Japan is very strict about privacy laws.

No! It isn't. Or yes it is, but not in all circumstances. Expect anything you say to a doctor in a company health check to be reported back to the company. I know people that it has happened to.

I'm sorry I can't help with suggestions OP.
by girltokyo rate this post as useful

. 2010/7/29 16:29
Well, I live in the States and my doctor is here. I am Japanese, gay, and do not remember ever hearing of a gay friendly doctor. That does not mean that I have heard of a gay unfriendly doctor either

This isn't so helpful, but maybe visit an HIV and STD testing facility/clinic in Shinjuku Ni Chome area that caters to the gay community and ask there. I'm sure they would be able to help. Apologies for lack of information

by Kazuyuki78 rate this post as useful

here you are 2010/7/29 19:17
try that place. i've been to it once. they mail you the results or you can get a special pin code and call to hear your result.
by Guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Gay friendly doc search still needs HELP 2010/8/6 16:16
The Shinjuku clinic is good but only does testing, i need to see a doctor that i can talk to about other things. I know some comments on here are saying it doesn't matter about the doctor being gay friendly or not but as a gay man i would much prefer to talk to a doctor that is familiar with gay lifestyle. I am finding most doctors in Tokyo are not very friendly and/or lacking in experience/knowledge when dealing with gay related things. I know in Britain and the US there are some medical clinics that cater specifically to gay clients so I am hoping i will find one in Tokyo.

If anyone has recommendations i would really appreciate it.
by jacksonjapan rate this post as useful

perhaps... 2010/8/6 19:40
I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions.

Have you looked at Japan gay websites ?
You may have more luck with info there.


I hope you can find a suitable practioner soon.
by girltokyo (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/8/13 00:12
I meant go to the Shinjuku clinic and ask for a recommendation of a gay friendly doctor
by Kazuyuki78 rate this post as useful

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