
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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having a baby in japan 2010/7/31 04:24
if you go into labor in japan and have the baby, but your not a citizen of japan ur visiting does your baby become a legal citizen of japan. And if so, do you get permision to permanently reside there?
by Arishia (guest)  

... 2010/7/31 12:18
No, birth in Japan does not provide either citizenship nor permanent residence to the child, unless a parent is either Japanese or a permanent resident.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Echoing Uji 2010/7/31 17:18
Just echoing Uji's previous post, Japan is not Jus Soli (like the United States) and so a child would not receive citizenship for being born in Japan.

There was a case in Japan a year ago where two illegal Filipino immigrants had a grown child who was born, raised in Japan, and only spoke Japanese. The government still deported the parents and allowed the child to stay on "humanitarian" grounds.
by Bean (guest) rate this post as useful

oh 2010/7/31 17:55
arishia, as the other two people said, it will not work.

im affraid you will have to find another way to immigrate to japan :)

hope that helps.
by zuoteng rate this post as useful

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