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English speaking Hair salons in Tokyo? 2010/7/31 09:33
I'm interested in getting my hair cut and colored, but I'd like to be able to express what I want in English since my japanese is still so poor... can anyone recommend me a salon that has English speaking stylists?
by soaringshrimp  

Hayato 2010/7/31 14:14
I like Hayato in the Aoyama/Omotesando area, where all the stylists train in New York. A cut is surprisingly reasonable, especially given the upmarket location, and no tipping the shampoo person if you are from a country where that's usual. I don't colour my hair so can't comment on prices for that.

Here is their website:

Also check websites like Metropolis for info on other salons where English is spoken- this kind of topic is often written about.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Hair Salon 2010/7/31 16:40
Try the Omotesando area as mentioned above,
and if not then perhaps the Hiro area which is predominantly foreign.

by AllYouCanJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

A picture 2010/8/2 09:22
Even if you can explain perfectly in English to a perfectly fluent English speaking hairdresser, I still recommend taking a picture of the cut you'd like.
by girltokyo (guest) rate this post as useful

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