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Explanation of "toosenbo" 2010/8/4 05:11
Can someone please explain the details behind the meaning of 通せんぼ? An example would be something like this: あなたを通せんぼ,僕だけ,かくれんぼ。

I know 通す means "to let pass" and 通さない is the formal negative of that, so is 通せんぼ a different type of formal negative form or something to do with the imperative form or am I completely messing it up?

If some more context is needed, I found it while going through lyrics to a song found here:

Thanks a lot in advance!
by Confused (guest)  

. 2010/8/4 13:28
「あなたを通せんぼ」 toosenbo is a bully blocking the pathway. So あなたを通せんぼ is I am blocking your path.
There is the children's folk song titled
「とおりゃんせ」 tooryanse, meaning "(please) pass". Also the same singer has it here.
僕だけ,かくれんぼ is I alone am playing hide & seek.
Just below that is 無邪気な甘えんぼの夢 mujaki na amaenbo no yume meaning an innocent spoiled kid's dream.
All are playing with the word bo=bou(坊)=kid
and they are kid's words.

by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

Thanks! 2010/8/4 21:10
Thank you so much! That's exactly what I was looking for!
by No longer confused (guest) rate this post as useful

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