
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Getting married in Japan 2010/8/6 11:03
I've found most of the information I need to get married in Japan, although I am still wondering about a few important things. I know most prefectures/cities only require your passport for ID(I'm a US citizen). But I have read that some may require your original birth certificate? Is there a list or any information on which require it? For example, does Tokyo require your birth certificate? Also, is it necessary to register for my alien registration card prior to applying for change of status? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any definite answers to these questions. Thanks.
by 1 (guest)  

marriage 2010/8/6 14:27
Its difficult finding definite requirements because it depend on how each individual city or ward office interprets the rules, and can even vary depending on who you speak to on a particular day. Your best bet is to call the specific office that you will be married at for guidance and perhaps make arrangements to get your birth certificate now just in case.

Concerning alien registration, you may not need to register before being married, but again I think it varies by city. You can apply as a temporary visitor, but note that it takes a little while to process (typically a week or two), so do it a few weeks in advance of your marriage if possible. Again check with your city/ward office for guidance.

BTW, Tokyo does not have a centralized city office to handle marriages, instead it is carried out at the different ward offices, and each may have different procedures and requirements. Your local ward office is who you contact for info.

Also be sure to check out the US embassy page for more info if you haven't already:

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