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Single or Double Futon/Duvet? 2010/8/9 19:05
Would single young Japanese use a single or double sized futon/duvet? Or is it strongly case by case?

I want to buy a cover as a present for single person, so need guide to size to buy.
by Marie (guest)  

futons 2010/8/10 14:43
Case by case, although probably more singles than doubles. You are going to have to ask the person if you want a futon cover as a present, because the wrong one obviously won't be any use ;-)
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/8/10 14:43
Sorry, that should have been "if you want to give a futon cover as a present"...
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

another one 2010/8/11 07:53
And don't forget there are also "semi-double" futons!
by hulagirl (guest) rate this post as useful

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