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english speaking university in japan? 2010/8/11 02:57
i'm looking to get a degree in music performance and television production. i'd like to go to japan but am having a very hard time finding a good univ. that has both of those and speaks english. any help would be greatly appreciated.
by Mason Taylor (guest)  

Why Japan? 2010/8/11 11:46
The number of English-language universities in Japan is limited to begin with - Temple University comes to mind first - so it might not be a plausible idea to major in those fields in English IN Japan.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

well... 2010/8/11 12:19
With both of those requirements, it will be *very* hard. I'm not even sure if there are any that meet those exact standards.

English curriculum universities within Japan: TUJ, APU, ICU, Sophia, Meiji, and Waseda SILS. There is also a "Global 30" project where many universities have a specific school taught in English... so look that up :)

You should check out all the universities I mentioned... one of the other majors might be of interest. You might be able to get a job with a television company or something. Intern, maybe.

Good luck!
by Kira (guest) rate this post as useful

Temple University Japan 2010/8/15 05:30
Temple University Japan has a great communications program. One of my friends is working her way through it and likes it quite a bit.

TUJ in general is a pretty good school, though a lot of people seem to dislike it. I had a pretty good learning experience there.
by brotherknowledge rate this post as useful

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