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astrological sign? 2010/8/11 21:24
I'm a bit confused about how to write what my sign is (in western astrology)

(I'm a virgo, born august 29th)
Is it 処女宮 or おとめ座?

And also, is 星座 or サイン the most appropriate word for this? I've seen others writing 星座, but I just need to know for sure.

Thanks in advance!
by Jen (guest)  

... 2010/8/12 09:36
おとめ座 is the more common term used when it comes to astrology.

It is 星座. If you say サイン in Japanese, that means "signature" or "autograph," as you "sign" something.
by AK rate this post as useful

your year 2010/8/13 09:08
in japan they use the 12 animals house (hare, tiger, etc)

so you got to say your asian sign XD
by Dice Hikari rate this post as useful

- 2010/8/14 01:47

So I can't say/write what my western sign is? I've seen other japanese writing that, eg.【星座】牡羊座 and so on.

AK - thank you for the answer!
by Jen (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2010/8/14 12:19
In Japan we talk about both (1) astrological sign by the birth date and (2) originally Chinese birth "year" symbols :) No worries.
by AK rate this post as useful

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