
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Child of a japanese national 2010/8/15 05:55
hello there, I was born in Argentina, my father is Japanese, so my question is:
Can i get the permanent residence in Japan? how long should i stay there in order to get it? thanks!
by Juan (guest)  

official info 2010/8/15 23:56
by V (guest) rate this post as useful

You are not entitled to the PR ! 2010/8/16 04:40
If you qualify you are entitled to only the Japan citizenship. Your father must have been a citizen of Japan at the time of your birth and he must have registered you in his family register (koseki).

However, if your father was a Japan citizen at the time of your birth and he failed or forgot to register you in his koseki, he must now recognize you and certified you as his son before your 22nd birthday, and you must apply for the citizenship with the Japan Government.

Also Japan does not recognize dual citizenship – you will have to choose and relinquish other citizenship on your 22nd birthday.

by Stanfordgal (guest) rate this post as useful

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