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JR Utsunomiya - JR Nikko Train Timetable 2010/8/19 09:32
Does anyone know train timetable of JR Utsunomiya - JR Nikko ?

Thanks in advance
by jirobkk  

... 2010/8/19 11:02
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thank you 2010/8/19 12:18
Thank you very much Uji-san for interval timetable.
It's very useful to see all trains and time.

I also need timetable of Nikko - Utsunomiya. So I access to check the timetable. Can you please let me know how to serach interval timetable. Is there any special option to find it.

Thank you.

by jirobkk rate this post as useful

... 2010/8/19 12:44
Here you go:

Just look up a single connection on Hyperdia as usual. And inside the results there will be a link for "Interval Timetable":
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thank you 2010/8/19 12:55
Thank you Uji.

Now I can find it.
by jirobkk rate this post as useful

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