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Working Holiday Visa: in or out? 2010/8/23 13:23
Heey everyone,

I was wondering how my chances would be on a Working Holiday Visa? Since that seems to me as the only way to get to know Japan a bit more and see the culture and the land.
Now I don't even know if I even can since the visa doesn't work for the country I live in (Netherlands) but it does work for Germany and I have a German passport (I'm German just grew up and live in the Netherlands) So I was wondering if it would work in that aspect and if yes...
What other requirements are there to work there for a few months?
And where do I even find a place to work parttime.
I hope someone here knows more than I do.
Looking forward to your replies and thank you for taking your time reading this all.

~ Miriam
by Miriam (guest)  

... 2010/8/24 15:04
There is an age restriction, and also I believe you need to have lived in your country (in your case Germany, because you are going to have to use your German passport to be eligible at all) for six months or a certain period of time before applying for this visa.

If you are coming just for a few months, the jobs would be limited - working in ski resort for a season, etc. Please search this forum for more information on jobs available.

If you want to just travel, you can save some money, and come on a Temporary Visitor status (of course no work allowed) for sightseeing, of course :)
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