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D-Form and Te-imasu 2010/8/25 22:57
Hello! I am confused with the following, please kindly advise! :)

May I know what is the difference between these 2 sentences? Can we use D-Form and Te-imasu interchangeably? I understand that D-Form is present tense and informal form and te-imasu can be used for present continuous and habitual action. Another example is:


Please kindly advise. Many many thanks!
by Claire (guest)  

... 2010/8/26 08:11
FIrst of all, do you mean "dictionary form" when you say D Form? :)

田中さんがコーヒーをのんでいるとおもいます。I think Tanaka-san is drinking coffee (now).
田中さんがコーヒーをのむとおもいます。I think Tanaka-san will drink coffee (sometime soon).

おとこのひとはこうえんをはしる。A man runs in the park.
おとこのひとはこうえんをはしっています。A man is running in the park (now, as we speak).

When dictionary form is used as it is as the main verb, that's informal "speech" (it by itself is not "informal form").
by AK rate this post as useful

Thank you 2010/8/26 17:14
Hello AK!
Yes, I mean D-Form is Dictionary Form.
Thank you! It is very clear and easy to understand. My teacher was using them interchangeably that confuses me.

Thank you again!
by Claire (guest) rate this post as useful

just to add.. 2010/8/30 11:54
what if "the man ran in the park"?

in "おとこ の ひと は こうえん を はしりいまして" can "はして います" be used? (maybe no?)
by AssassinWarrior rate this post as useful

... 2010/8/30 12:07

If you want to say the man "ran" (past) in the park, then it will be
おとこ の ひと は こうえん を はしりました。
If you want to say the man "was running" in the park:
おとこ の ひと は こうえん を はしっていました。
by AK rate this post as useful

re: 2010/8/30 12:43
i guess i had some typos..thanks for the explaining
by AssassinWarrior rate this post as useful

. 2010/8/30 12:44 i see the difference!
by AssassinWarrior rate this post as useful

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