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Student to Spousal Visa 2010/8/29 11:22
I am currently on a student visa but got married at the beginning of the month. Naturally I applied for a spousal visa about a week ago. The problem is, I do not want to attend school for this last month of the semester (many small reasons, but money and time are the biggest reasons)... however my husband insists that I go so that Immigration doesn't deny me for not fullfilling my duties as a student on this current visa. I do understand his reasoning.. but am wondering if anyone has had this experience before?? Does immigration contact the school to ask about attendance and such?? I really don't want to go for this last month if Immigration and school wont even communicate...
by worried (guest)  

right 2010/8/29 21:30
your husband is right, just go to immigration and do it. your school will report you as a quitter if you stop going and immigration will then begin the process of canceling your visa.

it may also complicate your spousal visa application. don't mess around with it.
by winterwolf (guest) rate this post as useful

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