
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Surge Protection 2010/8/31 10:39
I'm leaving for Japan in a few weeks, and will be living there for a year. I'll be staying in a student dorm, and as those are often older buildings, I'll want surge protection for the laptop.

Is there any rational reason to buy one here and cart it over, rather than just picking up one at Yodobashi or what have you?
by The Daemon  

... 2010/8/31 11:08
No reason at all
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

surge protectors 2010/8/31 12:19
If you need a 3 prong grounded surge protector they'll be a little cheaper and easier to find in Canada than in some parts of Japan, but they are available here. If you have the space and time then I'd probably bring one with you so you can get up and running as soon as you get move in, but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it and pick one up here.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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