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Get a bank safety deposit box? 2010/9/2 11:49
I'd like to get a small safety deposit box, preferably with my UFJ bank here in Nagoya city. Anybody know what the procedure is and cost? Does it take long to set up? Are safety deposit boxes in banks secure or are they a soft target for thieves? Any help appreciated.
by Jo (guest)  

... 2010/9/2 16:45
Not sure why you ask this question here as no matter what you are going to have to go to the bank to open this type of account.

Each bank has different fees, different products, different rules.

Go to your bank branch and as about "kashi kinko".
You'll need you ID(ARC), bankbook, and seal. The costs are around 20,000 - 30,000 yen annually depending on size, branch, etc.

"soft target for thieves?"
Safe deposit boxes are... pretty safe

Inside a bank, behind some of the highest levels of commercial security available, is hardly what one would consider a soft target...

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