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what do you need permanet visa 2010/9/3 12:07
what do u need for an permanent residence visa for japan what all do you need and how long do u gotta live in japan before you can apply for it ? just wondering thanks
by kiraflo  

... 2010/9/3 15:47
what do u need for an permanent residence visa for japan what all do you need

It is explained here:

and how long do u gotta live in japan before you can apply for it?

As a rule of thumb, 5 years if you are married to a Japanese national or 10 years if not. If have been married to a Japanese national for a long time and made contributions to Japan, it can be in less than 5 years.

I applied successfully after 4 years because I have been married with a Japanese national for many years and answer so many questions in the question forum.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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