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mobile pc/mac wireless, English support? 2010/9/10 11:13
Hi, can anyone recommend a pc/mac laptop wireless connection provider in Japan that provides English support?

I have been using Docomo L-O2A, and at the start, they told me that there would be no English support. I did manage to get it to work on my 2007 Penryn Macbook pro, both on mac and on windows boot camp, and it has been fine.

I just bought a new macbook pro, and can not get the L-O2A to work on either. Docomo will not help in any way, so, I think I will cancel my contract, even though Docomo will charge me their fee to quit the contract, which could be close to san man yen.

Can anyone recommend a similar wireless mac/pc connection, that does provide English support and software upgrades to accomodate modern computers, that is available outside of Tokyo? I'm in Tochigi-ken. Thanks!
by letsgo2tochigi  

. 2010/9/10 21:09
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Great! 2010/9/11 18:29

Thanks, I appreciate it. Looks like UQ Wimax might have even speeded up their coverage expansion to include Tochigiken? Either with the expanded Wimax or with one of your suggestions, should be working fine soon.
by letsgo2tochigi rate this post as useful

uq wimax 2010/9/11 18:59
uq wimax budget&high-speed broadband
3780yen/month(1st year)

Check service area
Utsunomiya city :covering more than 90% of the population

15days Free trial & Free rental

but Japanese support only.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

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