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A dermatologist in Osaka? 2010/9/22 16:11
Does anybody know a good dermatologist in Osaka? I have a skin condition that needs to be treated but I've lost my faith in japanese doctors.. I had an acute tonsillitis 5 months ago and due to inappropriate treatment it became chronic. I had to go back to my own country for a surgery.

I already went to one clinic but the medicine I got is no better than any over the counter medicine. I don't think the doctor even knows what exactly it is that I have.

I've had this for a week now and it's getting worse day by day. At first I had a few skin-coloured pimples on my arms but now they are red and cover my stomach, arms and thighs. I also have a few on palms and a lot on the skin between my fingers.

I probably got it from my boyfriend. He has had similar pimples all over his body for 8 months now. He was diagnosed with rice allergy but as far as I know allergies are not infectious.. so...

Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
by Darine (guest)  

Maruguchi in Rokkomichi 2010/9/23 22:24

I really don't know which doctor could help your problem but let me introduce famous one in Kobe.

Name: Maruguchi hifuka
JR Rokkomichi is the closest station, 5 mins on foot. You can also get there from Hankyu Rokko.

He couldn't solve my problem(it doesn't mean he is bad) so I can't judge but please try it if you are interested in.
I've seen a western guy as a patient there.

If you have any question, please feel free to ask me. I hope your problem will be gone soon....
by nicesmile rate this post as useful

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