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Real estate - top floor? 2010/9/25 19:57
How would I tell the real estate agent something like this?:

''I'd very much prefer an apartment on the top floor, if possible''

''I don't need to be near a subway station''.

by May (guest)  

... 2010/9/26 11:04
- Dekitara, saijoukai no heya ga kibou desu. (If possible, room/unit on the top floor is my preference.)
"saijoukai" = top floor
"heya"= room, in this case referring to an apartment unit.
"kibou" = preference, hope, etc.

- Chikatetsu no eki ni chikakunakute mo kamaimasen. (It's OK even if it is not close to a subway station.)
"chikatetsu" = subway
"eki" = station
"chikai" = is near
"chikakunai" = is not near
"chikakunakute mo" = even if it's not near

They might ask you how long of a walk from the station you might find OK :)
by AK rate this post as useful

Thanks 2010/9/26 19:58
Thank you, AK!
by May (guest) rate this post as useful

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