
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Wrestling arenas (not sumo) 2010/9/27 11:22
Hi, I'm just wonedring if there is any place in Japan to see wrestling (or 'lucha libre').

I've only found Sumo wrestling but I mean the one like the WWE and the sort.
I know that there are some japanese wrestlers but I'd like to see them.
any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
by shezaei_neko (guest)  

... 2010/11/15 11:29
Search for New Japan Pro Wrestling. many of the wrestlers you may see on WWE or TNA started out working in Japan, not to mention NJPW has been known to do talent exchanges with the companies as well.
by Gregor (guest) rate this post as useful

There's alot! 2011/3/3 23:35
There is quite a lot of pro-wrestling (puroresu) in Japan beyond just NJPW, though that is a good start. There is HUSTLE, Pro Wrestling NOAH, Dragon Gate, All Japan Pro Wrestling and Big Japan.
If you want information on any of these, here are a few sites:

I hope some of this helps. I am huge fan of pro-wrestling and puro... so I am always willing to help and talk to fellow fans.
by XlucasX rate this post as useful

dragon gate wrestling? 2011/4/7 16:31
hi, could someone help me with this translation.
My husband is trying to find out where to get tickets to see the wrestling at dragon gate on the 17th at Osaka.
he's a big fan of wrestling all his life!
17“ϊ(“ϊ)‘εγEƒAƒvƒ‰‚Ξ y“Œ–k’n•ϋ‘Ύ•½—m‰«’nk•œ‹»Žx‰‡ƒ`ƒƒƒŠƒeƒB‘ε‰οin OSAKAz16:00ŽŽ‡ŠJŽn

If anyone could help me with getting the tickets, getting there etc...will be much appreciated.
I want to give him a surprise!

Thank You
by novie (guest) rate this post as useful

Dragons Gate 2011/4/8 23:06
You can get tickets for Dragons Gate from Lawson Convenience stores or you can purchase tickets the day of the show. Most shows at larger stadiums are not sold out.
by thecobra2 (guest) rate this post as useful

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