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School Uniform 2010/9/28 22:08
I have a question that may seem ridiculous, but I started to worry a bit.
I'm a high school student, and as I want to study languages, I'm planning to go study abroad for my last year of high school.

I already looked up a few programms both in Japan and America (the countries that interest me the most, though in different ways, and I now have to choose.

Language-wise, my English is a bit better than my Japanese, but I should be okay with both.
I already visited Japan for a while, and I like it here, but the one thing that concerns me is that in all the High School I found exchange programms, the students have to wear school uniforms.
I am a bit self-conscious, and I'm not sure I like the idea of wearing skirts all year round, but anyway I can get used to it.

When I was in Japan, I already got some curious stares when people hear me speaking Japanese with my friends, so I wonder,
What would people react if they see a gaijin in a japanese school uniform?

(I know I don't have to try to blend in with the japanese, because I'm obviously white, and blonde, but I would appreciate not looking too much like an alien, so maybe I should wait until I finish high school to go there again?)
by Butterflies (guest)  

Dont worry 2010/9/29 07:47
There is no need to worry your going to get those hey look there is a gaijin look etc whether your in uniform or not. I've done a student exchange to Japan and believe me your making a big deal out of nothing just relax.
by LB (guest) rate this post as useful

not a new thing 2010/9/29 07:49
People will think you're an exchange student. I see obviously non-Japanese kids wearing school uniforms here from time to time, and foreign exchange students have been coming here for decades, so it's not a strange concept to most Japanese people.

I have lived in Japan for 12 years, and haven't really noticed any curious stares when people hear me speaking Japanese- the odd sideways glance to check out the foreigner occasionally, but actual staring? No. Foreigners in Japan who can speak Japanese are a dime a dozen these days, so neither issue is something you need to worry about.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

agreed 2010/9/29 12:27
Well said, Sira and LB.

I also want to add that not all Japanese high schools have uniforms and there are a number of schools where street clothes are allowed (I'm not sure if they're the expensive international schools or not), so you should do some research about which school you plan on attending and inquire as to the dress code.
by jmarkley rate this post as useful

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