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Pregnancy in Japan 2010/9/30 13:40
hello guys!
i'm a french woman,and my boyfriend is japanese.
I'm in japan under pre-college visa,because i'm studying in a language school,and my visa expires in january.

I am 5 weeks pregnant,and i'm worried about burocracy,because right now we are not married,and my visa will expire soon.If he recognize the baby,i can stay here as dipendent at least until i deliver and find a job?
and n the case of natural abortion,what should i do?
by Sophie (guest)  

No 2010/9/30 14:39
Dependent visa is only for MARRIED couples with both being foreigners. Your guy being japanese means you can not get that visa. You could qualify for spouse visa but of course it is only for MARRIED couples.
by Parisien (guest) rate this post as useful

Marriage? 2010/9/30 14:45
Would marriage be out of the question? It would solve all your problems, and there are no obvious solutions to your problem otherwise, You're still early in your pregnancy and you still have a few months on your visa; consider marriage before your visa runs out and switch to a Spouse Visa then.
by Kappa (guest) rate this post as useful

get good advice before the baby is born. 2010/9/30 15:55
It is really really important that your partner files documentation to say the baby is his BEFORE you have the baby.

You can get a visa on the basis of being the mother of a Japanese national.

I would suggest joining one of the online groups for women with Japanese partners. (MIJ is free, AFWJ has a membership fee).

Getting married will make things much easier. There are French speakers at the information line at Shinagawa immigration centre.
by girltokyo rate this post as useful

clarify 2010/9/30 16:47
Ny "natural abortion", do you mean miscarriage, when the pregnancy terminates by itself? In that case you should of course see a doctor as soon as possible- in fact I hope you have seen one already?
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2010/9/30 17:12
You really need to up close and personal assistance. This board can't give you that.

You have to let go of fear and anxiety right now and focus on the fact that the baby won't stop growing: you have a very limited time frame for which to act to protect yourself and the baby.

Now is not the time to be shy. Talk to your boyfriend, talk to his parents, talk to your program counselor or other authority figure. Let your own parents or family members (even homestay family) know the TRUTH.

You can't change what's already happened so you need to focus on figuring out your options ASAP.

Young pregnancies happen so don't clam up because you're worried the world will hate you.
You'd be surprised by how helpful people can be when you're upfront and honest. There may be initial anger, etc. but then people will embrace your situation and things will start to fall into place.

Good luck!
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

Also 2010/9/30 18:44
If you are comfortable talking in Engilsh, you may want to call the Tokyo English Lifeline if you want to talk through your options.
by girltokyo rate this post as useful

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