Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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"Tabun" and "darou" 2010/10/7 22:38
Hi! I understand that たぶん and だろう have the same meaning, i.e. maybe/probably/perhaps but why can they appear in the same sentence as mentioned below? Isn't it redundant?


Is the sentence below correct?

Pls kindly advise on the above mentioned.
Many many thanks!
by Claire (guest)  

~かもしれない 2010/10/8 11:55
I don't see a big problem with the way you wrote the sentences.

~かもしれない is also a way of saying "probably" or "might"

If you hurry, you might make it!
you can shorten it to かも informally
by jmarkley rate this post as useful

. 2010/10/8 15:19
Yes it is redundant.
It is like "I think perhaps this restaurant may be good".
Instead of "このみせはりょうりがたぶんおいしいだろうとおもいます。", say "このみせはりょうりがたぶんおいしいとおもいます。"
It is ok to say "あのひとはうたがじょうずだろうとおもいます。"
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

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