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Getting birth control in Japan 2010/10/10 21:15
I'm living in Japan for a few months, and I didn't go on BC before I left. Long story short, I want to go on it and I was wondering how difficult it is to acquire. Would I just go to a ladies' clinic, get an examination and get the pills? Or is it more complicated than that?
by grace (guest)  

... 2010/10/10 21:53
There is nothing complicated - you go to a ladies clinic, get an examination, and get the pills there :)
by AK rate this post as useful

maybe not complicated, but... 2010/10/11 10:49
in theory it should not be complicated but there are a few buts...the pill used for the purpose of contraception has only been available for 10 years in japan - a relatively short time. and only 3% of women use the pill for contraceptive purposes. this means doctors may not be especially knowledgable or sympathetic - your experience may vary depending on the doctor. Also the pill for contraception puposes is not covered by insurance - it will be relatively expensive. finally an examination shoulld not be necessary but the usual questions about family history and high blood pressure will be.

i mentioned "for contraceptive purposes" a numbr of times. if you require the pill for period pain etc then my answers would be slightly different.
by rick (guest) rate this post as useful

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