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"Warui ja nai" for tattoo 2010/10/14 00:04
I am designing a tattoo and would like to use the Japanese kanji for the phrase "I am not bad" which I understand in Japanese shorthand to be "Warui ja nai" (please correct me if I am wrong)
I know the kanji for "warui" is わるい but I am having trouble with "ja nai". Could anyone help me with this?
by Ashlyn Shanks (guest)  

... 2010/10/14 19:16
わるい is hiragana (phonetic writing), not kanji at all, first of all.

Sorry but "warui ja nai" is not correct if you want to say "I'm not bad/wrong." The best you can get to is "Warukunai." There is a kanji for the part "waru-" but the rest needs to be in hiragana (phonetic writing.) There is no way to write it all in kanji - and personally I don't think it's cool to have a plain sentence like "warukunai" as a tattoo, though I admit it's up to you.

Oh, if you want to say "I'm not a bad/delinquet guy (though you might assume that/I might look like that)," then you could say "waru ja nai" (notice the subtle difference from "warui"), but that's still a very plain sentence.
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2010/10/15 02:22
The Chinese uses kanji for everything they write.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

nooo 2010/10/15 05:57
don't get a tattoo in a language you can't speak!! goofy alert!!
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

Goofy 2010/10/15 07:44
That would be one goofy looking tattoo. I'd suggest you look for another language (like the aforementioned Chinese).

If a Japanese person saw something like that, they'd quietly laugh behind your back.
by Bean (guest) rate this post as useful

in Japanese 2010/10/15 11:30
I'm also not a fan of that as a tattoo (I think it'd look better in English), but if that's what you want then the Japanese looks like this:

warukunai - 悪くない
warujanai - 悪じゃない

Be sure to update with a picture once you get the tattoo done.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

. 2010/10/15 18:30
Nowadays, regular posters post lame fonts without mentioning the risks ;)
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

warujanai 2010/10/15 18:35
Hahaha, I think you guys have thoroughly mentioned the risks, and anyway I'm just taking a page from dave ;)
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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