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Do I need to change my visa status? 2010/10/25 20:03
Hi All,

Currently I am in Tokyo studying at Japanese language school under College Student Visa and next year April 2011, I might be entering a university.

In this case, do I need to change my visa status? Like updating the immigration office on my new education institution or something like that? Or I do not need to do anything as my current status is already College Student Visa?

Thanks a lot for sharing the thoughts! =)
by RI-san (guest)  

. 2010/10/27 01:10
You probably don't need to change status as College Student is the only status now out there. (They recently merged pre-college student visa and college student visa into one COLLEGE STUDENT status).

I think it would be best to ask your school for advice on this. Most likely you would need to update your school information especially when you are renewing the visa status. Again seek advice from the school, they should be more expert on the matter.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

yes 2010/10/27 02:58
you do, you need to renew your visa once you are finished with your current school. talk with your school about it and they'll explain the procedures to you.

know this because i'm in the same situation.
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

I see... 2010/10/27 13:13
Thanks for answering! =)

So I think I'd better consult my school then.. Still not 100% sure about going to university though.. My current visa will expire in September 2011 so I thought if I don't need to re-new my visa again, things would be much easier for me to go to university here..But I guess I'm wrong then.. haha..

Thanks a lot though! Appreciated it! =)
by RI-san (guest) rate this post as useful

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