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cheap japanese language school in Osaka? 2010/10/29 06:32
hi everybody.
Do you know any cheap Japanese schools in Osaka area?
by gokku  

how about this one? 2010/11/1 22:29

they are now in honmachi. they are small but it suited me. a good mix of nationalities and ages...if anyone has found a cheaper one, let me know.
by rick (guest) rate this post as useful

prices 2010/11/3 12:25
prices for language schools are all around the same all over japan, you're looking at approximately 150,000yen for 3 months give or take a bit, for schools that provide you with a student visa.

Schools that provide no visa will be a bit cheaper but you'll have to have some other legal way to stay in Japan.
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

good point 2010/11/3 20:05
good point. i'm not sure whether the OP has a visa or not but certainly you are allowed to study on a tourist visa.
by rick (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: cheap japanese language school in Osaka? 2014/7/7 15:14
I found Japanese Institute osaka to be good and offered me evening group classes for 50,000yen a month
by john (guest) rate this post as useful

Osaka-Japanese institute Osaka 2014/7/24 14:08
To John (Who recommended Osaka-Japanese institute Osaka)
I would like to take a class at your school you recommended.
How can I contact with them?
Did you have the school's telephone number?
I want to call them for some questions, but I checked their website which did not contain any phone to contact.
If you know, please let me know.
Thanks so much
by Binh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: cheap japanese language school in Osaka? 2014/7/25 17:53
i went to the Japanese institute at Tanimachi 9 chome, i took the 3 month evening class and cost me 130,000 yen, but i had to pay the dreaded 20,000y registration fee :(. all in all it was a quality course and i just had 5 other students in my class who where also ESL teachers like me. It was fun and will be back to do the next level once i save up again!
by Edwardusa rate this post as useful

Re: cheap japanese language school in Osaka? 2014/8/1 18:36
Hi!If you don't need any visa support and if you want to learn quickly (group lesson or private lesson) you also have the possibility to apply for the Brun Language school which provides good japanese lessons with very kind and english speaking japanese teachers(native japanese)!
If i remember well it's only 3000 yen an hour, they are using some good textbooks and they also provide drinks and food during the lesson!
by Romy (guest) rate this post as useful

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