
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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working in Japan under a French contract 2010/10/30 01:06
I'm Mexican and am currently working in France with a French company under a French contract. The company has offices in Tokyo and in theory I can work right there in the same way I work here.
My intention is to work in Tokyo for two months. Do you know which kind of Visa I should apply for?

I could just stay in Tokyo with a temporary visa (which, as i understand, is actually a tourism/business visa, valid for 90 days), but I wouldn't want to do anything illegal.

Any suggestions?
by Huck (guest)  

... 2010/10/31 12:48
Under the Temporary Visitor Visa, you cannot engage in paid activities.
If your French employer is sending you for a while to its Tokyo branch, you need to ask your company to arrange for "Intra-company Transferee" status.
by AK rate this post as useful

thanks! 2010/11/2 17:49
Thanks AK!
I managed to land in this website (for anyone who's interested):


by Huck (guest) rate this post as useful

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