Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Tattoo accuracy 2010/11/1 11:40
I'm tired of looking online and everything looking different or giving slightly different meanings, so what I want is something that would translate to mean something like...everything's going to be ok in the end, that when you're going through a rough spot in the end there's a reason...anything along those lines. If you have more than one option that would be great. Thanks for any help you can give me :)
by help (guest)  

no 2010/11/2 02:17
tattoos in a language you don't understand suck
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

You will succeed in the end. 2010/11/2 03:46
I agree with winterwolf on that having a tattoo in a language you don't understand is a bad idea as usually the nuance is lost and it just looks like a silly sentence; however, here are some examples that might catch your intention and show that you need at least a considerable patch of skin:

You will succeed in the end: 最後は成功します。
Everything turned out all right in the end: 結局万事うまくいった。
It all turned out for the best in the end: 結局すべてが旨く行った。

by Kappa (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/11/2 15:14
Everyone is turning into Dave in Saitama these days, posting inappropriate phrases and letter usage. Get a tattoo in English like all the Japanese kids do ;)
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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