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I want to live in Tokyo how can I do it? 2010/11/10 03:35
Okay so I've always loved japan and it's culture but i'm thinking more. I want to live their for the rest of my life. The thing is, I only have a G.E.D, do you think that will cut it, you know like will I ever have a chance of going to Tokyo and starting over again...P.S, i'm white-18yo.
by Braydon Tinsley (guest)  

visa 2010/11/10 10:56
The first step it to look into visas that would allow you to live long term in Japan. Without a bachelor's degree or many years of work experience in a particular field (either of which are necessary to qualify for a work visa), your current realistic options are to come over on a student visa (expensive), or possibly a working holiday visa (doesn't apply to Americans). Both are really only short term solutions though, so if you really plan on moving to Japan in the near future, the fastest and easiest way would probably be to go to school and earn a bachelor's degree.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

live in japan 2010/11/10 10:58
Btw, in case you haven't been to Japan yet, I would definitely recommend coming over to visit first and see if its really a place that you would like to move to.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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