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Android Phone 2010/11/16 05:43
I have an Android phone by Motorola on a contract from Verizon Wireless, and my question is I would like to come back to Japan and live again, so will I be able to use this android phone under a Japanese cell phone provider?
by mrkc  

android phone - more details needed 2010/11/25 10:28
Theoretically yes, but it depends on the particular model and whether or not the phone is unlocked.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Response 2010/12/2 04:30
For a Verizon phone, I don't think so, due to the type of network Verizon uses (which isn't the same as Japan's), unless it is a World Phone-- like the new Droid 2 world phone (but not the model you have, it sounds like). I think the phones that work in both countries with more ease are T-Mobile and AT&T, due to their networks.
by twentytwo rate this post as useful

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