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How to wrap a sarashi?
2010/12/1 11:06
I have a sarashi that I am intending to use for cosplay purposes and as support for my chest (I am female). I am curious to how it is applied around the abdomen and chest. Based on pictures I've seen, it looks almost like a bandage.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
by karrit
wrap wrap
2010/12/2 10:48
Here's a simple diagram: instructions says: 1. Sarashi should be cut to fit your body. Fold it "hotdog" style and roll it up first to make it easier to put on. 2. Place rolled sarashi just below your armpits and "unroll" it across your body widthwise while trying not to make wrinkles. As you roll, gradually change its angle downwards for a nice look. 3. For the 2nd time around, press your chest down while wrapping. Try to aim for a 3rd wrap. 4. When you'r done wrapping, tuck the remaining material into the layers and you're done.
by jmarkley
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Thank you!
2010/12/3 01:58
I think this helps out a great deal. I am cosplaying as Ishikawa Goemin XIII from Lupin Sansei. He wears the sarashi underneath his kimono and hakama.
by karrit
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