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Wealthy, noble neighborhood in Kyoto? 2011/1/2 00:25

Looking for the name of a ward and neighborhood in Kyoto (writing a story for a competition).

Should be residential, contain at least one buke yashiki (samurai residence) or daimyo yashiki, and at some historical point, been an enclave for nobility and royalty. It would be good if it has modern-day prestige and is still home to the wealthy and upper-class.

After a bunch of googling, I came up with Katsura, but I can't clarify if that's a neighborhood or just the detached palace, and Kamigyo-ku, but Katsura isn't in Kamigyo-ku and I'm having trouble finding neighborhood info for Kamigyo-ku. Of course, I could be completely wrong and neither Katsura nor Kamigyo-ku are right for what I want.

Any and all help is much appreciated. Thanks and happy new year!

by   (guest)  

. 2011/1/2 14:23
Kyoto was the residence of the emperor and the royalty, not samurai. So it didn't have buke or daimyo yashiki--those were in Edo, today's Tokyo.

The palace is in Kamigyo-ku but Kamigyoku is a wide area.

Kitashirakawa is a very prestigious neighborhood. Many kuge yashiki(royalty palaces) were once there and many wealthy people live there now.
by Tokyonet (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank You! 2011/1/3 12:22
This was precisely what I needed. Thank you so much!
by   (guest) rate this post as useful

Murin-an and Nanzenji Villas 2011/1/6 00:16
In Meiji and Taisho Era, 15 Villas were build in the Nanzenji district, Sakyo-ku. I do not know in detail and could not find good internet sources in English, but found two videos.

Murin-an (It is opened, and you can see its garden.)


Kyoto: Magnificent Villas


And some photos (in Japanese).


Murin-an in Wikipedia (Only in Japanese)

by frog1954 (guest) rate this post as useful

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