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Question regarding visa 2011/1/14 02:46

I intend on getting married to my fiancé in Japan in a couple of months. My understanding was that since there is no such thing as a 'fiancé VISA' the usual method was to enter Japan on a 90 day tourist VISA (I am a UK citizen) and then 'upgrade' to a spousal VISA once married. My question is what should you announce to the immigration authorities when entering Japan regarding purpose of visit. Should I announce my intention to get married or should I just say 'tourism'. Would that affect my spousal VISA application?


Mr B.
by Mr B. (guest)  

... 2011/1/14 08:06
My question is what should you announce to the immigration authorities when entering Japan regarding purpose of visit. Should I announce my intention to get married or should I just say 'tourism'.

There is no need to go into details or to lie. In fact, most people don't get asked any questions when they enter Japan unless they don't fill out the paperwork correctly. I would just state that you are visiting friends. And in the unlikely case that they ask you more details, I would tell them that you go to see your fiancee. But there is no need to tell them about the upcoming wedding unless you are specifically asked.

Would that affect my spousal VISA application?

Credit card applications are unrelated to immigration. And a visa application will not be affected by what you are telling immigration authorities at the airport as long as you are not lying to them and they find out.
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