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Job in Japan 2011/1/21 01:22
I have been searching this forum for advices, but couldn't really find an appropriate answer, so I post a new question.

I have the impression that it is difficult to live in Japan for a foreigner who isn't an English-speaker...

When I asked for advices about searching for a part-time job, both my former host families and my japanese teachers told me "It would be good if you became an English teacher or tutor",

So where could I be able to find a job wich doesn't require to speak english?

by Tatum  

. 2011/1/21 11:44
Most foreigners in Japan are not English speakers.

I've seen many foreigners working at restauarants, supermarkets, and convenience stores. Are those the type of part-time jobs you're looking for?
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/2/28 06:29
Oh, well during my stay I haven't seen a lot of foreigners working in conbini and shops, save from the french or italian restaurans where I have been, that's why I asked.

Is it easy to apply for jobs like that (such as cashiers, waitress or shop assistant) for a foreigner on a working-holiday visa, who has to go to school and doesn't have 100% fluency in Japanese?
by Tatum rate this post as useful

. 2011/2/28 07:03
Most places to work in Japan require Business level Japanese or JLPT N2, but a lot of other places will hire if you have basic conversational level. Whats most important is that you can communicate with people - doesn't have to be perfect. There are a lot of non-English speakers living and working in Japan - but most of them seem to get jobs through connections.
by Chiisa na Koi no Uta (guest) rate this post as useful

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