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Cash back or point reward debit card 2011/1/23 16:35
We have been using Suruga Bank Visa debit card for some time now to pay online for my company and was shocked to know that nearly 3million yen used within a year, the calculated cash back to be paid to me as reward for using such amount was not up to 5,000 yen based on 0.20%

Please as our purchases have increased this year, we are able to use up to 500 to 700,000 yen per month, as a result can anyone assist me with the best paying Bank that I could apply a visa debit card (not a credit card) to offer a rewarding point earned for using a card?

I will be monitoring this thread so as to get help from same.
by ebewe  

... 2011/1/23 19:20
It would surprise me if there were any well paying card. Interest rates are just too low in Japan. It does not provide cash, but I personally am pretty happy with my JAL, ANA and Yamada Denki cards.
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2011/1/23 19:22
You should count yourself lucky to get anything at all. Very few debit cards offer rewards or cash back. Usually you only get this from credit cards.
by shakeystephens rate this post as useful

... 2011/1/23 19:24
Sorry, my JAL and ANA cards are credit cards. But the Yamada Denki card is just a regular point card.
by Uji rate this post as useful

... 2011/1/23 19:24
Considering that is is a no annual fee debit card, the 0.2% reward point does not sound outrageous at all (at least in Japan). For comparison, Rakuten Bank offers a similar no annual fee debit card, but the reward point you earn (actually at the same rate of 0.2%) is credited only to your Rakuten account (meaning, not cash, but usable in their affiliated online shops), so Suruga Bank's scheme is actually not bad.

I've checked a few other debit card programs advertised, but for no annual fee, 0.2% seems to be the norm. AND it is mentioned upfront...
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

E-bank card 2011/1/24 14:36
You guys got it all wrong, before E-bank debit visa card was changed to RAKUTEN-BANK it used to offer me points each time i deposit money via atm to my card. and when I deposit say 30,000 yen, I use to see enough points earned instantly when i login to online banking and am able to redeem such point back to my card which was a very good thing.. but since it changed to Rakuten alot have gone missing...I have since stopped using it though!

I think the poster of this thread wanted a card just like that..and for depositing up to 500,000 yen per month...dame if E-bank was what it was, that would give you enough points to redeem in your "my account" area instantly..
by Gab (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2011/1/24 17:28

Sorry (I'm the one who posted immediately above you) but I was not familiar with what e-bank used to offer, but it's no longer there anyway.

I believe the original poster was talking about earning 0.2% cashback based on usage (amount spent on the card), not on deposits. Suruga does promise 0.2% of usage, so if it was below that rate, I don't know what happened. If the original poster is sure that it is below 0.2%, he should contact the bank to inquire.
by ..... (guest) rate this post as useful

Cash back or point reward debit card 2011/1/24 18:09
No, the poster is simply looking for a way to earn as suruga is offering him a peanut about 0.02% and having spentso what ever form deposit or usage as you can see from his message, he uses debit visa card and not credit card..of course what ever ways the needed points or cash back is been offered deposit or usage...what matters to him is be able to get a reward.

If you have a better debit visa card such as the E-bank of old, I will be interested too..
by Gab (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2011/1/24 18:49
Yes, I understood that he was using debit card, and that particular card program offers 0.2% cashback based on usage (amount spent on card).

As I said already, there currently isn't any debit program that offers anything better in terms of earning reward.
by ..... (guest) rate this post as useful

rakuten card 2011/1/24 19:17
I think the poster of this thread wanted a card just like that..and for depositing up to 500,000 yen per month...dame if E-bank was what it was, that would give you enough points to redeem in your "my account" area instantly..

The OP appears to be looking to earn on business/living expenses that are reimbursed by their work. In that case a card that earns benefits on deposit, or one that requires shopping at a specific outlet to obtain points may or may not be appropriate for their purposes. However, in practice, earning points on deposits to a debit card could satisfy the same needs as long as the card can be used for general purchasing.

Anyway, in my experience I haven't found any credit card with remotely good benefits. 0.2% (or worse) seems to be the norm for all of our cards, so I would also be interested to find something better.

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

follow - up 2011/1/24 19:24
If there is anyone that offers reward on deposit or usage am open for them so long there will be reward for using the card.
SMBC, also also offer points which can be redeemed with some available products that they would send to ur home or get a virtual visa card of a certain amount, it is still a far cry from what am looking for.. Using 700,000 yen per month and also facing their high rate exchange different from what is obtainable is something to gain points about
If anyone has a better deal, pls inform here.

E-bank card too was a good one before it changed hand with Rakuten which brought a lot disgusting changes
by ebewe rate this post as useful

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