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Spousal Visa: Guarantor 2011/1/25 12:24
Question: wife and i are currently in the US and I am looking to get a spousal visa. Her father is dying and wont be able to be the guarantor and no other relatives exist.

Does anyone know who else can be a guarantor? Friends, colleagues?

by Chris (guest)  

visa 2011/1/25 15:05
I'm American living in Japan on a spousal visa, my wife is the guarantor.
by wds (guest) rate this post as useful

Another similar thread 2011/1/25 15:47
A post by Sira (about halfway down) might be of help, if you are talking about "financial" guarantor.
by AK rate this post as useful

... 2011/1/25 16:23
As stated above, your wife can be the guarantor for the visa process.
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

wife cannot be guarantor 2011/1/26 00:03
your wife can only be your guarantor if you are already residing in Japan. My wife does not reside in Japan and has not filed Taxes in Japan for 2 years because she works in the US.

The guarantor must reside in Japan and have taxes filed within the last 6 months.

So does anyone know if non-relatives can be guarantors? I know corporations usually perform this role for housing but my previous visa's in Japan were work visa's and I was hoping to go the spousal route this time.
by tokyobbq rate this post as useful

. 2011/1/26 08:50
Why don't you just ask the consulate?
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

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