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Going to school in Japan 2011/2/2 12:54
Okay so i am currently a US citizen and i want to move to Japan. My reasons are for School and work. I am going to be a computer science major and i figure what better place to do it than japan. Now i know there are american universities in Japan but my high school grades were not all that hot. Although, i can of course assure any school that i am more than qualified going by SAT scored and letters of recommendation. My main issue thoguh, is how can i become a full time citizen in a university in Japan that has courses in english. I have searched around on the web and have found a few schools that have all courses in english or have a separate section of that school that specializes in classes that are in english. I would like to spend ALL of my college educaation in Japan. Would i have to be a citizen to do so? And if so or if not then how can i go about it? thanks.
by Nick (guest)  

. 2011/2/2 20:24
Firstly, You do not need to be a Japanese citizen to attend a Japanese university, and during your studies you can claim a study visa during your time there. However keep in mind it is very tough to become a citizen and you will be unable to do so in your time as a uni student.

Secondly, have you ever been to Japan? You should spend a few weeks here first before you decide to make such a big decision.

All the universities that do english language tuition are based in Tokyo and cost upwards of $15,000 a year to do. You will be unable to obtain a loan to pay for this.

Lastly, I would not regard Japan as an IT mecca. What are your reasons for thinking this? Because all the major electronic companies are here? You live in the US. Silicone Valley is where the money is at! Work hard and go to MIT and rake it in afterwards :-)

by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

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